
At the training themed "rethinking anti-racism in adult education" organized by Leargas in Ireland, Marvin Hokstam gave a presentation about living with racism in Europe. Blaxistence

Wat is Afrikaanse identiteit?

Welke geografische plek zij ook fysiek vandaan komen, mensen van Afrikaanse afkomst hebben gemeenschappelijke overeenkomsten; een gezamenlijke identiteit. Een element dat hen bindt; waarin ze elkaar herkennen. Omdat hun voorouders ergens vandaan gestolen zijn.

conferentie Tourism, Memory and Heritage

International Institute of Social History Cruquiusweg 31, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Roundtable 1: Activating memory through tourism Antilles. This conference provide a ‘first-step’ towards a much needed transdisciplinary dialogue in Dutch academia about the relevance of tourism studies in debates on slavery and colonial heritage and memory. Tourism is often the sustaining force that activates heritage sites. This conference contributes to increasing academic and societal knowledge ... Read more

Virtual conference: archeology, beyond the decade

In honour of the UN International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024, the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS) Faculty of Humanities is hosting a virtual conference to connect inter-disciplinary experts as they explore how archaeological heritage, broadly defined, contributes to the UN International Decade themes of Recognition, Justice, and Development. At the ... Read more

Online open Dag over de Africana Development Cursus

Geïnteresseerden in de Africana Development Studies cursus die in maart online van start gaat, zijn uitgenodigd voor een online Open Dag op 30 januari 2024. Vertegenwoordigers van de partners -de Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname (AdeKUS), de Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) en Het Broos Instituut in Nederland-, zullen beschikbaar zijn ... Read more

KICK OFF event Africana Development course

The general aim of the Africana Development Studies Certificate Course is that participants contribute to broadening insights and perspectives on history, culture, identity, education, entrepreneurship and leadership with the purpose of stimulating and strengthening the socio-cultural and socio-economic development of the African Diaspora.